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Venpongal is a staple food in South India.It is also called Khichdi.It is  one of the most popular traditional dishes of Indian Cuisine.

It is usually made with rice and moong dal.Moong dal is a good source of protein.Venpongal is generally served as breakfast ,with chutney or sambar.Venpongal seasoned with ghee and spices is flavourful.This is also one of the most loved breakfast across SouthIndia.

This healthy recipe is with a small twist here ie) I have replaced rice with kodo millet.Kodo millet is called varagu in Tamil language.Millets are high in fiber also they have many health benefits.So they are good alternative for rice.

Lets see how to prepare this super easy and healthy recipe.





Moong dal -1/2 Cup.

Kodomillet(Varugu) – 1 Cup.

Salt – To taste.

Water – 3 and a 1/2 cups.

For Seasoning:

Ghee or oil – 1 Table spoon.

Cumin seeds – 1 Teaspoon.

Peppercorns Whole – 1 Teaspoon.

Whole red chili – 2.

Whole green chili – 2 to 3(Split into two).

Cashew nuts – Few.

Curryleaves – Few.

Asafoetida powder – 1/4 Teaspoon.

Ginger –  1 Inch sized piece(cut as small pieces).


1.Wash the moong dal.Cook the moong dal in a pressure cooker with 1 cup of water.keep the stove in  high  until the cooker leaves 2 whistles and reduce the stove to medium .Let the dal cook in medium flame for three more whistles.Then switch off the stove.Open the lid of the pressure cooker when all the pressure from inside the cooker is completely gone and give the dal a gentle stir.The dal is stirred because a layer of the dal may stick to the bottom of the cooker and get burned.

2.Put in the washed kodomillet into the pressure cooker along with the dal,pour 2 and a 1/2 cups of water to it ,add salt and again pressure cook it.Raise the stove to high until  the cooker releases one whistle,and reduce it to medium and cook it until three more whistles comes out from the cooker.Then switch off the stove .Open the lid when all the pressure inside the cooker is gone.

3.For Seasoning:In a pan , heat ghee or oil ,make sure the stove is in medium.When the oil is hot put the cumin seeds , when the cumin seeds crackle add the ginger pieces , and fry them until light brown.Then add the green chili and saute it for a while and add the cashew pieces and roast it until golden brown.Now put the pepper corns ,and red chili pieces and curry leaves and stir well and then add the asafoetida powder , mix them all well and switch off the stove.Be careful when you add pepper corns some times it may burst.

4.Pour this seasoning into the pressure cooker having the cooked dal and millet mixture.Mix them all well until the seasoning combine with the dal and millet mixture.

5.Transfer it to a serving dish.It is ready to serve.Serve it with pickle ,curd or coconut chutney or sambar.

Note:Millets may have small dust particles ,so wash them thoroughly before use.

While cooking the dal and millet, you can add 1/2 teaspoon each of  pepper corns and cumin seeds.

          Step by step pictures:

1.Cook the moong dal in a pressure cooker.

2.Put in the washed kodomillet into the pressure cooker along with the dal and cook.

3. Seasoning.

4.It is ready to serve.

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