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It’s summer- the season of vacation, the season that is perfect for going outside and the season which is the perfect excuse to try all sorts of delicious sweet treats.

In short, a season of absolute bliss! Personally, summer is probably my favourite season. I love to head out to explore beaches and to try many new exciting and interesting things at home.

If you are looking for something to try at home this summer, why not try jam making? Not just any jam though- try making this tomato jam.

Jams are usually made from berries and fruits like apples and pineapples. Making this jam is a unique and interesting way to utilize tomatoes which are usually found in abundance this season.

Did you know a tomato is actually botanically considered as a fruit? Even though tomatoes are treated as vegetables in most cuisines, they work very well in this jam and produce a syrupy, sweet and tangy delight that can be eaten on its own or served with things like bagels, scones and bread.

This is a simple and easy recipe, I have skinned the tomatoes and chopped them into small pieces. Along with the chopped tomato pieces, I have added a cinnamon stick, a few cloves and some lemon rind for the aroma.

I also added lemon juice and orange juice for little more tanginess, then added sugar and cooked until it thickens.

The spices and the juices added make the jam flavourful and give it a wonderful aroma.






  • 2 kg tomatoes, skinned and cut into small pieces
  • 4 cups of sugar (measured in a 250 ml cup)
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 4 lemons
  • Freshly squeezed juice from 4 juicy oranges
  • Zest of two lemons
  • 4 cloves
  • 2 inch size cinnamon stick broken into small pieces
  • A pinch of salt


  • Skin the tomatoes and chop them into small pieces
  • Over a high heat, in a thick bottomed vessel, heat the tomatoes (along with the juice and pulp), lemon zest, cinnamon stick and the cloves.
  • When it boils, add the sugar, orange juice, lemon juice and the salt. Give it a good stir and continue cooking it on a high flame.
  • When the tomato mixture comes to a rolling boil, reduce the temperature of the stove to medium and continue cooking. Keep stirring in between.
  • When the jam starts to reduce, lower the temperature of the stove to the lowest point and cook. Keep stirring frequently.
  • When the jam is almost done you can see a lather-like substance on top. Remove it with a spoon.
  • When it reaches a sauce-like consistency switch off the stove. Do not overcook.
  • Let it cool completely and store it in a clean and dry air-tight container.



Mark an X on the flower end of the tomatoes. Boil water in a deep vessel, put the tomatoes into it and switch off the stove. Let the tomatoes be inside the water until the skin starts to peel. Take them out of the hot water and place them into a bowl of ice cold water. Let them cool completely, then peel the skin.

The jam thickens when it cools down, so do not overcook the jam. If it gets overcooked, it will become like a taffy.

Choose juicy tomatoes.

Choose a deep, thick bottomed vessel to make the jam because when you boil the tomatoes it may overflow.


Mark an X on the flower end of the tomatoes. Boil water in a deep vessel, put the tomatoes into it and switch off the stove. Let the tomatoes be inside the water until the skin starts to peel. Take them out of the hot water and place them into a bowl of ice cold water. Let them cool completely, then peel the skin and cut into small pieces.

Over a high heat, in a thick bottomed vessel, heat the tomato pieces (along with the juice and pulp), lemon zest, cinnamon stick and the cloves. When it boils, add the sugar, orange juice, lemon juice and the salt. Give it a good stir and continue cooking it on a high flame.

When the tomato mixture comes to a rolling boil, reduce the temperature of the stove to medium and continue cooking.

Keep stirring in between.

When the jam starts to reduce, lower the temperature of the stove to the lowest point and cook. Keep stirring frequently.

When the jam is almost done you can see a lather-like substance on top. Remove it with a spoon.

When it reaches the a sauce-like consistency, switch off the stove. Do not overcook. Let it cool completely and store it in a clean dry and air tight container.

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