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This  dish is super tasty and also an excellent party starter.Your guests will love this delicious recipe.Can be served as party starter with favorite dip or it can be served with a main course.The sesame seeds coated in the prawns gives it a nutty flavor.The masala batter coated in the prawns makes this dish super tasty.

The prawns are de -shelled  and deveined.But the tails are not removed because this gives a beautiful look to the dish and also it givesa grip to hold.This crustaceans are an excellent source of high quality protein and contains no carbohydrates.Although the cholesterol content of prawns is significant , these shelfish also contain hearthealthy, omega-3 fatty acids.

Because of their many nutritional benefits ,prawns are considered by variety of health experts to be among the healthiest foods in the world.

Un Shelling  the prawns

First pinch off the head and the legs and then holding the tail , peel the shell off from the body.

Deveining the prawns

Make a shallow slit down the middle of the back to expose the black intestine .

Lift out the black vein with the point of a knife and rinse it out under cold running water.


The recipe is simple ,with less ingredients.The cleaning of the prawns is time consuming,other than that ,it is easy  .

PREPARATION TIME: 30 min ; COOKING TIME : 15 to 20 min ; SERVES : 4 to 5 persons.


  • Prawns  –  1/2 kg.
  • Sesame seeds – 1 cup.
  • Bread Crumbs – 1 cup.
  • Egg white – White of two eggs.
  • Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Red chili Powder – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.
  • Ginger garlic paste – 1/2 teaspoon each.
  • Salt – as per the taste.
  • Oil – For frying.


De shell and devein the prawns.Prepare a  masala batter with redchili powder,turmreic powder ginger garlic paste,salt and  little water.Marinate the prawns in this batter for 15 minutes

Now dip the prawns one by one in the egg white then dust with bread crumbs and then  dust with sesame seeds .Do this for all the prawns one  by one .

Heat oil in a pan and fry them in low temperature. When one side of the prawn is cooked turn the side  of the prawns so that both the sides of them are cooked well.

Its ready to servve.

Note:Keep the stove in low flame otherwise the sesame seeds will turn brown and the prawns will be  raw.

In the masala mixture few drops of lemon juice can be added to get a different taste.

Less amount of chili powder is added in this recipe ,it can  be added more depending on your taste.






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