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In South India a usual lunch contains rice with curry and vegetable side dishes. If it is a non-vegetarian lunch, along with these, seafood or any meat dish is served and vegetarians have dal.

Speaking of the vegetable side dishes, usually two or more dishes are served. If there is any special occasion then the amount of dishes can range from 7 to 15.

Okra is a frequently used vegetable in the south Indian kitchen. Several dishes are prepared with it.

Many South Indian kitchen gardens have okra plants so that they can pluck the vegetable freshly and use it in their curries.

When you buy okra make sure you are buying young ones. The ripe ones won’t taste good.

How to choose young okra? Gently press it, by holding it between your thumb and index finger. If it is soft then it is young, and If you feel it hard then it has ripened.

This is a simple easy and flavorful dish and it can be prepared quickly. It is healthy as well because okra has many health benefits in it. Vegans can also enjoy this simple recipe.

In this recipe, I have sauteed the okra in coconut oil and added salt. Then I have added turmeric powder and red chili powder and sauteed. Into this, I have added tamarind pulp and then added a little bit of cumin powder.

The tamarind added gives a little tanginess to this recipe. Also, it removes the stickiness from the vegetable.

The salt, red chili and tamarind pulp together give a mix of saltiness, tanginess and spiciness to the dish.

I have used coconut oil in this dish because it tastes great when it is cooked in coconut oil. But if you are not a fan of coconut oil you can use other vegetable oils also.

You can serve it with steamed rice and sambar or rasam.


South Indian style easy okra stir fry that can be served with rice.





  • 250 grams of tender okra cut into thin slices
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of mustard seeds
  • 2 or 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • Few curry leaves
  • 3 dried red chilies broken into medium pieces
  • 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of red chili powder
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cumin powder
  • 2 teaspoons of tamarind pulp
  • 1/2 a teaspoon of salt (or as per the taste)


  • In a thick bottomed pan over a medium heat add the oil. When the oil is hot, reduce the temperature of the stove to low and then add the mustard seeds. Let them pop. When the crackling sounds of the mustard seed stop, add the red chili pieces and the curry leaves. Wait until the sizzling sound of the curry leaves stops.
  • Add the okra pieces and the salt give a gentle stir cover it and cook in low temperature for 3 minutes.
  • Add the red chili powder and the turmeric powder. Stir gently, cover and cook for another two minutes.
  • Then add the tamarind pulp and stir.
  • Cook it in low flame for few minutes without covering.
  • Stir it now and then. Sprinkle 1 or 2 teaspoons of water if the okra seems dry and likely to get scorched at the bottom.
  • Add the cumin powder and mix gently. Check the amount of salt and if needed add more. Cook on a low flame by gently stirring it in between until the okra pieces are fully cooked (approximately 7 minutes).
  • Serve it hot.


CAN I USE OTHER VEGETABLE OILS? Yes you can use other vegetable oils too, but it is a bit tastier when you cook it in coconut oil.

Stir it gently otherwise the okra pieces will break and become mushy.

How to extract tamarind pulp? Soak a small ball of tamarind (say the size of a small gooseberry or amla) in warm water for 1/2 an hour, squeeze it well, strain the juice and discard the pulp.

Sprinkle a little bit of water ( say 1 teaspoon at a time) in between, if the okra pieces are looking dry. Do not add a lot of water.

Cook in low temperature to prevent scorching.

If you do not have tamarind, you can add 1/2 of a medium sized tomato cut into pieces. Add the them along with the okra pieces and cook the same way.


Cut the okra into thin slices.

Add the mustard seeds.

When the crackling sounds of the mustard seeds stop, add the red chili pieces and the curry leaves. Wait until the sizzling sound of the curry leaves stops.

Add the ladies finger pieces,

1/2 a teaspoon of salt, cover and cook in low temperature for 3 minutes.

Add the turmeric powder and red chili powder. Stir gently, cover and cook for another two minutes.

Then add the tamarind pulp and stir. Cook it on a low flame for a few minutes without covering. Stir it now and then. Sprinkle 1 or 2 teaspoons of water if the okra seems dry and likely to be scorched at the bottom.

Add the cumin powder and mix gently. Check the amount of salt and if needed add more. Cook on a low flame by gently stirring it in between until the okra pieces are fully cooked (approximately 7 minutes).

Ready to serve.


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