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This bright yellow coloured rice is super easy to prepare yet delicious.It is one of the most popular south Indian recipes.This crunchy, tangy and flavorful rice is prepared with precooked rice.It is another way to utilize our leftover rice.

When lemon is added to any dish it enhance its taste.The nuts in this gives a crunchiness in between.All the ingredients that are added in  , the nuts,dal, chili ,lemon together gives a satisfying taste to this recipe.

It can be served with potato fry,egg,pickle,chicken fry etc , but the best is fish fry.


I like the lemon rice in a crunchy way ,so I cooked it little firm but the rice grains can be cooked soft.

The lemon juice can be added more or less according to our taste.

Prep Time:20 min ; Cook Time : 10 min ; Serves :3


  • Cooked Basmati rice – 2 Cups.
  • Lemon-1 & a 1/2 Tablespoon.
  • Turmeric powder-1/4 Table spoon.
  • Asafoetida powder-A pinch.
  • Cashew nut-Few(10 to 12)
  • Peanut-A hand ful
  • Chana dal-One Tablespoon
  • Urad dal- One Table spoon
  • Green chili splitted-3
  • Dried Red chili- 2 or 3
  • Curry leaves – Few
  • Mustard seed-One teaspoon
  • Salt -As per the taste
  • Oil-Two table spoon


Pour two tablespoons oil in a thick bottomed vessel.When the oil becomes hot put mustard seeds in it,let the mustard seeds crackle.

When the cracking sound of the mustard seeds stops put the curry leaves  red chili pieces and the split green chili.

Now reduce the stove to medium flame,put the urad dal and fry for few seconds then put the  chana dal,again fry it for one minute ,then goes the peanuts and cashew nuts  one after the other . Fry them for one or two minutes in very low flame.

When the nuts and lentils  turned into light golden colour ,keep the stove in low flame and then put asafoetida powder and turmeric powder and stir it well and then add the rice into this and mix well.Add the required amount of salt and mix well.

Mix them all together until all the ingredients are well combined.Keep it closed for two minutes in low flame.

Now switch off the stove.Let the rice to cool for  ten to  fifteen minutes and then pour the lemon juice and mix well.

Taste the rice , so that the salt or lemon juice if needed can be added now.

The lemon rice is ready to serve.

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