The story of honey is very old and we know its been used for food medicine and more.This natural product is made by bees one of our planets most important animals.Honey is not just delicious it contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.Most microorganisms do not grow in honey , so sealed honey does not spoil even after thousands of years.
The famous honey-gathering painting in Araña Caves Spain is believed to to be around 8000 years old.This proves honey is been used from very early age.Though delicious, it is believed that honey was also used as a medicine. In olden days it was used to cure lung and cardiac patients or to apply on open wounds.
It comes in many varieties with different colours, textures and flavours. The flavour, colour and sweetness of honey depend on the type of flower the nectar was collected from.As a general rule the flavour of light coloured honey is milder and the flavour of darker coloured honey is stronger.
It is an amazing natural sweetener it is a wholesome sore throat soother.Though time is the more important healer of sore throats a spoonful of honey can help relieve the irritation.
Honey is recognized as a pantry staple.The best place to store honey is a cool, dry cupboard or pantry shelf. Do not keep honey in the refrigerator, it will speed up the crystallization of the honey .