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During this quarantine, you may not be able to go to grocery stores very often, and may not have some vegetables or meat and, you may want to cook some simple and nutritious food. Then you can try this green peas pulao, which is very nutritious and tasty.

It tastes delicious and is healthy as well, because the green peas are packed with many nutrients in it. I have added curry powder in this recipe. This gives it aroma and flavor. The butter added to it gives it richness.

You do not have to prepare this recipe only if you are running out of vegetables. You can also prepare it any time you want and pair it up with any vegetarian or non-vegetarian curries of your choice. I usually pair it with paneer curry.

You can find curry powder in almost all super markets. But if you couldn’t find some you can easily prepare it by yourself at home.


In a thick bottomed pan, over a medium heat, add two tablespoons of coriander seeds and half a teaspoon of black pepper corns and dry roast them for two minutes until a nice aroma comes from it. Transfer it to a clean dry container.

Then, into the same pan add two teaspoons of cumin seeds and one tablespoon of cardamom and dry roast them for two minutes, separately one after the other and keep them together with the roasted coriander and black pepper.

Switch off the stove add one teaspoon of mustard seeds in that hot pan, toss it and transfer it along with the other spices and let them all to come to room temperature. Powder them finely.

Into this powder add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon of Kashmiri red chili powder, half a teaspoon of red chili powder and half a teaspoon of ginger powder and mix well until all the ingredients are well combined. Store it in an air tight container and use it as required.


Nutritious and tasty, green peas pulao that can be paired up with raita.





Two big onions chopped into small pieces

Three big cloves of garlic crushed

1/2 kg of basmati rice

200 grams of green peas cooked

One and a half tablespoons of curry powder

Three tablespoons of unsalted butter

Four tablespoons of vegetable oil

One liter of water or vegetable stock

Required amount of salt


STEP 1. In a thick bottomed vessel, heat the vegetable oil over medium flame. Add the crushed garlic and saute it until the raw smell of the garlic is gone.

STEP 2. When the raw smell of the garlic is gone, add the chopped onions and saute until the onions are transparent.

STEP 3. Add the curry powder into the sauteed onion and garlic mixture and mix well. Add the washed and cleaned rice to it and fry for two minutes and then add the water or vegetable stock. Add required amount of salt.

STEP 4. Cover it and cook, until the rice is partially cooked. When the rice is partially cooked, add the cooked green peas and mix gently, so that the rice grains are not broken. Check salt and add if required.

STEP 5. Cover it and cook. When the rice is almost cooked, just few minutes before you take it off from the stove, reduce the flame to low, add two tablespoons of butter and mix gently. Let the rice cook in low heat until it is fully cooked.

STEP 6. Switch off the stove and let the rice sit on the stove for five minutes. After five minute remove it from the stove.

STEP 7. Transfer it to a serving dish, top it up with a tablespoon of butter and serve it hot.


Saute the garlic until its raw smell is gone
Add the onion pieces and saute
Add the curry powder and mix
Add the rice and fry for two minutes
Add water and required amount of salt
Cover and cook
Add the cooked green peas
Add the butter and mix
It is ready to serve

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