Fruit rice or Curd rice with fruits

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Fruit rice or Curd rice  with fruits

The curd is good for digestion it is a great probiotic, soothe inflamed digestive system and treat the upset stomach.

This colourful recipe is super easy and tasty as well


Cooked rice     — 2 cups

Curd                  — one and a half cup

Fruits                –few pieces of mango, pomegranate and grapes(black and green)

Salt                   — to taste


Mix required an amount of salt with the curd and keep aside.

Take a big bowl, put the rice into it, then goes the curd on top of it.

Now give it a good stir.

Then put the fruit pieces and mix it well

Now its ready to serve


Note: I have used basmati rice, but you can use the rice of your choice

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