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Fennel seeds are highly aromatic and it is used in various cuisines. Native to the Mediterranean and Asia minor, fennel belongs to the carrot family. It is a flowering plant species. It is a perennial herb that has yellow flowers and feathery leaves.

In many Indian restaurants, candy-coated fennel seeds are served. It helps in freshening the mouth and also to progress digestion. Fennel is also called as saunf in Hindi and sombu and perumjeeragam in Tamil.
In India fennel is grown in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.

Along with its aroma, it has a small sugary taste. It is used in non vegetarian recipes like chicken curry, egg curry, and some vegetable curries also.

How to buy and store Fennel seeds:

Good quality fennel seeds will be in bright green color. Fresh and new fennel seeds will be in bright green color. The green color will fade away when it becomes old. So when you buy fennel seeds buy bright green colored ones. you can store it in a clean and dry place or in your spice cabinet and use it as early as possible.

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