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Easy cauliflower stir fry with spices and parsley, full of flavor and aroma ...

Recently when I went for grocery shopping, I saw a batch of fresh cauliflower arranged on one of the store shelves. It was so fresh that I couldn’t resist grabbing one and putting it in my basket.

When I came back home, I cooked it immediately because I didn’t want it to lose its freshness. So, I prepared this simple stir fry.

It is really simple to prepare this scrumptious recipe. The only thing that takes a little bit time is the cleaning of the cauliflower.

I usually cut the cauliflower into medium-sized florets and then soak them in boiling hot salt water for 5 minutes and then I drain the water. This will remove any dirt or any small insects from it.

Then I have pan-fried the cauliflower florets with a bit of oil and cumin seeds, garam masala, and turmeric. All these spices make it flavorful.

I have added finely chopped green chili pieces to it to make it spicier. If you do not like it that spicy, do not cut it into thin small pieces, just split the green chili and add.

I have added fresh parsley leaves, the strong aroma of the parsley leaves gives this recipe its aroma. If you do not have fresh parsley you can add dried ones also. If you do not have parsley at all you can add coriander leaves.

The lemon juice added to it gives a small tanginess to the recipe.

You can pair it up with rice varieties like ghee rice, cumin rice, saffron rice, peas pulao, etc or you can serve it with chapati.


Easy cauliflower stir fry with spices and parsley, full of flavor and aroma …





  • One medium sized cauliflower
  • Two tablespoons of finely chopped fresh parsley
  • One green chili cut into thin round pieces
  • One teaspoon of cumin seeds
  • One teaspoon of garam masala
  • Two teaspoons of lemon juice
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Required amount of salt


STEP 1. Wash and clean the cauliflower and cut it into medium sized florets.

STEP 2. Over a medium heat in a thick bottomed pan, heat two spoons of vegetable oil, and add the cumin seeds.

STEP 3. When the cumin seeds stop popping, add the cauliflower florets and stir.

STEP 4. Add the turmeric powder and stir well, so that the turmeric powder is well coated on the cauliflower florets. Let it cook for a few minutes.

STEP 5. Add the required amount of salt, add the garam masala and then let it cook for a few more minutes.

STEP 6. If the vegetable becomes dry sprinkle one or two tablespoons of water in between.

STEP 7. Few minutes before you take it, off the stove add green chili pieces, parsley and mix well. Then add the lemon juice and mix. Take it off the stove and serve it warm.

NOTE: When you cook it, cover it. This will help the vegetable to cook faster.

Check it in between, if the vegetable is dry add spoons of water whenever needed.


Over a medium heat in a thick bottomed pan, heat two spoons of vegetable oil, and add the cumin seeds
When the cumin seeds stop popping, add the cauliflower florets and stir
Add the turmeric powder and stir well, so that the turmeric powder is coated well on the cauliflower florets
Add the salt, add the garam masala and then let it cook for a few more minutes
Add green chili pieces, parsley and mix well
Add the lemon juice and mix
It is ready to serve

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