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Easy-to-make and delicious capsicum rice, an easy dish you can make to feed healthy food to picky eaters…

This is another simple and easy recipe that I prepare to pack in lunch boxes. It takes less time to prepare so it can be put together easily in the busy mornings. Also making it is an easy way to feed vegetables to picky eaters. I added chicken stock in this recipe which gives it its flavor.

Capsicum is packed with nutrients so it is good for both grown ups and kids. But some children separate the capsicum pieces from their plate. Feeding them this dish is an easy way to feed them capsicum.

In this recipe, I sauteed the ingredients in olive oil, pureed them and then added the puree to the rice. Before adding the puree I stir-fried the rice in oil.Then I have cooked the rice and capsicum paste in chicken stock. The chicken stock gives flavor to this recipe.

When you stir fry the rice, do it gently to prevent the rice from breaking. The capsicum rice looks good only when the rice grains are whole and long.

Not only for the lunch box, you can have it for a home lunch also. Because it is not that time consuming to make, you can easily prepare it and pair it with a curry of your choice. Both vegetarian and non vegetarian curries taste good with this easy capsicum rice.



Easy-to-make and delicious capsicum rice, an easy dish you can make to feed healthy food to picky eaters…





  • 2 medium capsicums cut into pieces
  • 1 big onion cut into pieces
  • 3 big cloves of garlic chopped roughly
  • 2 green chilies cut into pieces
  • 2 cups of chicken stock measured in a 250 ml cup
  • 1 cup of basmati rice measured in a 250 ml cup
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil or any other vegetable oils
  • Salt to taste


  • Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the chopped vegetables and saute them for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Let it cool and grind it into a smooth paste.
  • In a thick bottomed vessel, over a low temperature, heat two table spoons of oil. Add the washed and drained basmati rice into this oil and saute it for five minutes.
  • Add the capsicum paste into the rice and saute it for another 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Add the chicken stock into this sauteed rice and capsicum paste mixture, and mix it gently. Add the required amount of salt. If you are using store-bought chicken stock, taste the rice before adding salt, because the stock has a lot of salt in it.
  • Increase the temperature of the stove to high for three to four minutes and cook the rice by covering it with a lid. After 3 to 4 minutes remove the lid and cook it on a low heat until the rice is fully cooked.
  • When the rice is fully cooked, switch off the stove and serve it with your favorite curry.


When you stir fry the rice, stir it gently. Otherwise the rice grains may break.

For 1 cup of rice 2 cups of water is enough, but some brands of rice may require more water. In that case, along with the chicken stock add the required amount of extra water depending on the rice you use.

I have used olive oil in this recipe, but you can use any other vegetable oil other than coconut oil. This recipe tastes better with other cooking oils but not coconut oil.

You can add one or two more green chilies if you want the rice to be more spicy. If you want the rice less spicy add only one green chili.


Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan over a medium heat.
Add the chopped vegetables and saute them for 5 to 7 minutes.
Let them cool.
Let them cool and then grind them into a smooth paste.
In a thick bottomed vessel, over a low temperature, add two table spoons of oil. Add the washed and drained basmati rice into this oil and saute it for five minutes.
Add the capsicum paste into it and saute for another 3 to 4 minutes.
Add the chicken stock into this rice and capsicum paste mixture, and mix it gently. Add the required amount of salt. If you are using store bought chicken stock, taste the rice before adding salt, because the stock has a lot of salt in it.
Increase the temperature of the stove to high for three to four minutes and cook the rice by covering it with a lid. After 3 to 4 minutes open the lid and cook it on a low heat until the rice is fully cooked.
When the rice is fully cooked, switch of the stove and serve it with your favorite curry.