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When the gentle chill air turns a bit cold we know that winter has arrived.The cold weather is a perfect excuse to stay indoors where it is warm and cozy and relax with a great book or an entertaining film.

In winter we like to have  food and drinks that keep us warm. Warm winter drinks  help us beat the winter blues and keep us active all winter long.Ginger coffer is one such drink.

When winter is in the air and if you are lazy, a cup of this spicy and sweet drink will make you active and warm.We call it coffee but no coffee powder is added in this recipe.Originally it is prepared by grinding dry ginger pieces along with other spices.But in this recipe dry ginger powder is used. You can also use fresh ginger. It tastes equally good.

This drink is a good remedy for common cold. Its rich aroma opens nasal blocks and gives relief from throat infections.

Lets see how to prepare this easy and healthy beverage.


COOKING TIME:10 to 15 min



Dry ginger powder – 1 Teaspoon.

Coriander seeds    – 2 Tablespoons.

Cumin seeds         – 1 Tablespoon.

Pepper corns        -1 Tablespoon.

Brown sugar         -As per the taste.


Powder all the ingredients (except sugar and ginger powder) into a coarse powder.

Take four cups of water in a vessel , put this powder along with ginger powder into the  water.

Bring it to boil.When it boils reduce the stove to low and let it simmer for two to three minutes.

Switch off the stove.

Filter it and add the required amount of sugar and serve it warm.

I have used brown sugar but white sugar can also be used.

Step by step preparation

Powder the ingredients

Put the prepared powder into the water and bring it to boil

Simmer it for a few minutes

It’s ready!

Filter it, add sugar and serve it warm.

Note: Originally palm sugar is added as a sweetener. If you are using palm sugar, then boil it along with the powder so that it can completely dissolve in the drink.





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