Tag: Spicy


This spicy potato stir fry is easy to make, tastes excellent and is one of my favorite vegetarian recipes. It is very easy to make and can be served with rice varieties like curd rice or tomato rice. You can also serve it with rasam, dal sambar, etc. Potato is a versatile vegetable. You can make a lot of dishes with potatoes. The Indian cuisine is one that has mastered potatoes. This recipe is an […]


Curries are an integral part of Indian cuisine. They can be served with both rice and bread varieties. The feeling of devouring a well-made curry to the last bit is truly unmatched. This curry is an excellent and easy recipe which tastes like most familiar favorite curries. The pairing of egg and potato, while seeming like an unconventional one, works surprisingly well in this dish. Besides, this curry is easy to make and will surely […]


In South India a usual lunch contains rice with curry and vegetable side dishes. If it is a non-vegetarian lunch, along with these, seafood or any meat dish is served and vegetarians have dal. Speaking of the vegetable side dishes, usually two or more dishes are served. If there is any special occasion then the amount of dishes can range from 7 to 15. Okra is a frequently used vegetable in the south Indian kitchen. […]